“This will remain the Land of the Free only so long as it is the Home of the Brave.”

~Elmer Davis

We will always remember…

Volunteers with the Stars and Stripes Charitable Alliance are always ready to show up and show out for our Veterans. Whether it is posting flags on Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day or working with local VFW Chapters to further their efforts, we stand ready to serve!

Vets for Vets

A pet can make anyone happy, but it can be especially beneficial for veterans with post traumatic stress disorder. Psychology researchers are becoming increasingly vocal about the therapeutic advantages of pet ownership and we couldn’t agree more.

Our Vets for Vets Program is designed to help Retired Veterans afford the care their pets need to ensure they are never forced to make the difficult decision about whether or not they can afford to keep their trusted companions.

We work with local vets to identify Vets in need and coordinate payments for services as funding allows. Please consider donating to our Vets for Vets fund so we can keep this program growing!

Never was so much owed by so many to so few.

~Winston Churchill

We serve because we can…

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